Friday, October 16, 2020

Nawaz Khan Naji. The leader of Balawaristan (Gilgit Baltistan) Election 2020

 The Balawaristan National Front is a minor political party seeking the independence of Northern Area Balawaristan (officially known as the Gilgit-Baltistan) located in between Pakistan and China and Kashmir and Tajikistan.

Balawaristan is a historic name for the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan.[citation needed] The party considers Baltistan a part of Balawaristan as well. The party was formed on December 28, 1989 under the Chairmanship of Nawaz Khan Naji.

Beautiful lack of Sherqilla Hamuchal (Dimbath lack) located in sherqilla valley district Ghizer Gilgit Baltistan

The Unexplored lack Dimbat sar located in sherqilla valley. 40km away krom the Gilgit city.